Getting to Know International contacts Part 3

Amaru and Mom She’na    Save the Children Action Network                                                

Mark K. Shriver is the President of Save the Children Action Network. I listened to international podcast through “Save the Children” network. I was elated to receive two more responses from Mr. Shiver regarding international news and updates.

Mr. Shiver shared with me that next week a key U.S. Senate committee will likely consider a major piece of education legislation. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). At this point the legislation doesn’t include any expansion of early learning programs, despite the fact that an avalanche of research points to what we already know: Early Childhood Education globally makes kids more successful at school and in life. Our senators need to hear from educators, parents, community leaders, and concerned citizens that they should fix this major omission. Please urge your senators to support expanding access to Early Childhood Education Program as part of this bill.

A major education bill that leaves out early education? What a missed opportunity! By the time children get to kindergarten, their brains are 90% developed. This means that these early years are critically important. The U.S. Department of Education released a report that highlights the need to expand access to early education in a new version of ESEA. Nearly 2.5 million kids don’t have access to publicly funded preschool.  The good news is that some states have acted to expand early learning programs across the country, showing bipartisan support for investing in our children. Now is the time to act to ensure kids everywhere can have quality early education.

Expanded early education programs could help kids like little Amaru. Amaru’s mom She’na had a challenging childhood during which she experienced severe neglect and abuse. She wanted better for her son. So, she enrolled in a Save the Children early learning program in South Carolina. Through this program she receives parenting support and books to read to Amaru. Stories like Amaru and his mom are why senators need to hear from us today. Together, we can make sure that an effective early learning programs like the one Amaru participates in reaching more children. Your action could make a huge difference in the lives of millions of children who aren’t yet enrolled in voluntary early learning programs.
I am encouraging my blog family to PLEASE contact your senators to review the (ESEA) bill carefully, and expanded our early learning programs internationally.

Thanks for what you do for Children!


Shivers, M.(2014). An act to ensure early learning is part of a major education bill.  Save the Children Network.

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